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Discovery. Year 4 | Session 3 | Week 1

Hi everybody! Max Sánchez (from Discovery) here, your new reporter of this week’s Acton blog, now let’s get going onto the news!

The most notable thing this week was having 6 Sparks transition into Discovery, they are currently participating in Quest and more! They do not do Core skills yet, as it is their transition session (they currently only work with us when it's Quest time in Discovery). I have to say myself, it has been great working with them!

This week on Quest was about theatres, and acting (I am personally good at this). We learnt about the definition of theatres, the different types of plays, and the characteristics and elements of theatres. We even had Carola Pruneda, a professional actor, and Sonia Saucedo, a theatre producer (both from Tecolote Teatro company), come over and offered to help coach us to make our own play. They showed us a theatre type named “kamishibai” (It means paper drama, it was a form of storytelling that originated in Japanese Buddhist temples in the 12th century. Monks used picture scrolls to make stories with moral lessons to the audience). They also talked about their Hero's Journey, and how they had a passion for what they currently do now.

Personally I enjoy acting (mostly making fun of people with accents), which makes this session pretty cool!


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