Dales su tiempo: lo importante se cocina a fuego lento
Journey Tracker
The journey tracker is Acton Academy’s Studio software platform.
It helps coordinate tasks and track data such as:
Goal setting and points
Quest progress for a learner
Quest progress for a Studio
Individual Badge Plan progress
Hero Bucks
360 Peer Reviews
Please remember that your Hero's access to the Tracker follows
the following format:
son / daughter email (name.last name@actonacademymty.com)
aamtyspark o aamtydiscovery o aamtywonder (depending on current studio)
Journey Tracker
The journey tracker is Acton Academy’s Studio software platform.
It helps coordinate tasks and track data such as:
Goal setting and points
Quest progress for a learner
Quest progress for a Studio
Individual Badge Plan progress
Hero Bucks
360 Peer Reviews
Please remember that your Hero's access to the Tracker follows
the following format:
son / daughter email (name.last name@actonacademymty.com)
aamtyspark o aamtydiscovery o aamtywonder (depending on current studio)