Momentum | Year 5 | Session 2 | Week 6
Hello parents, Max (and Paulo) here... and welcome to another week at Momentum! This time around, we had an Exhibition! And how did it go you may ask? It went pretty well if you ask me.

Let's start with the planning:
Every Exhibition needs a format. It makes everything easier to pace and present. We also have to consider in which order they go depending on the location because we don't want Parents to be constantly moving from one room to another.
So what can we do about it? Our solution to this problem is to plan in which place we present each topic, for example, Quest on the first floor, Civilization on the second floor, etc.
Other things we had to plan included: -Speeches -360 Surveys
-Journey Trackers
-SMART Goals

That's all we planned, now to move on to the Exhibition:
First, we started with Quest. As you already know (unless this is the first blog you've read), Quest was all about planning a trip for Acton from Hungary by making a budget, planning an itinerary, etc. Technically this isn't finished, because we still have a lot to go over, and Discovery will be taking over the project (I'll explain why that is going to be happening shortly).
For Civilization, we made a timeline of all our activities in chronological order, and then then made an illustration for each different activity we did. For Genre, Paulo and I had to finish the speech that we've been working on, and prepared to present it live to our parents. Oh, and we also made a costume for the Hero we chose (Paulo chose Jesus, and I chose Moses).

To ask your question of "Why Discovery will be taking over Acton Hungary's Trip":
Well... Momentum won't be a Studio for a few months, because I am transferring to a homeschooling system.
So what about Paulo? Technically he's not in Momentum, because he has not completed the Discovery Badge plan. Although he does have most Core Skills from Discovery done, he could enter Momentum, as long as there was one Momentum Hero in the Studio, and because I'm not going to be there anymore, Momentum will be closing until somebody else joins. Anyway, that's everything this week has to offer. See ya!